Dental Extractions in Wayne, NJ

At times, despite our best efforts to save a tooth, extraction is the best course of action to preserve your overall oral health. When a tooth is extensively damaged or decayed beyond repair and can’t be saved with restorative methods such as fillings or crowns, removing it can prevent further complications and alleviate pain. At Fine Dental Care, your well-being is our top priority, and sometimes that means we need to perform dental extractions to remove problem teeth.

Our compassionate team performs dental extractions with the utmost care, ensuring a comfortable and positive experience. Trust us to help you maintain a healthy, pain-free smile!

When Are Dental Extractions Needed?

Dental extractions are considered a last resort but are necessary in several circumstances to preserve or enhance overall dental health. Extractions are typically required when a tooth is irreparably damaged due to severe decay, trauma, or disease that renders it non-restorable.

In cases of advanced periodontal disease, where the gums and bones supporting the teeth are critically affected, extractions may be needed to prevent further spread of infection. Additionally, we may recommend extractions to eliminate crowding and make space for orthodontic treatments. Sometimes, we must remove wisdom teeth that are impacted, misaligned, or pose a risk for complications to prevent future issues.

The Extraction Process Explained

Dental Extractions in Wayne, NJ | Dr. Fine | Fine Dental CareAt our practice, we extract teeth with the utmost care and precision. We begin by administering local anesthesia to ensure you feel no pain during the procedure. This numbs the area around the affected tooth, providing comfort as we prepare for the extraction.

We gently loosen the tooth from its socket using a specialized dental tool called an elevator. This tool helps us detach the tooth from the ligaments and surrounding bone structure. Once the tooth is adequately loosened, we use dental forceps to grasp and gently remove the tooth with minimal discomfort.

Following the extraction, we may need to place stitches in the gums, especially if the extraction involves a larger tooth or if we remove multiple teeth. To manage bleeding, which is a normal part of the healing process, we place sterile gauze pads over the extraction site. We will instruct you to bite down on these pads to apply pressure and help in clot formation, which is essential for proper healing.

Post-Extraction Care and Recovery

We provide detailed aftercare instructions following dental extractions to ensure a smooth and swift recovery. These include guidelines on managing any discomfort, preventing infection, and promoting healing of the extraction site. Our team at Fine Dental Care is dedicated to supporting you through every step of your dental health journey, including post-procedure care.

Tooth Replacement Following an Extraction

After a tooth is extracted, it’s important to consider replacement options to restore functionality and prevent potential problems like shifting of adjacent teeth. Two effective methods are dental bridges and mini dental implants.

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge fills the gap created by one or more missing teeth. It looks like a row of artificial teeth with crowns on each end. We anchor the crowns to healthy adjacent teeth on each side of the gap for support. Bridges restore the ability to chew and speak properly and prevent the remaining teeth from shifting out of position.

Mini Dental Implants

Mini dental implants are a modern tooth-replacement solution. They provide a stable foundation for replacement teeth and help preserve jawbone density, which can deteriorate after tooth loss.

Mini implants offer a more durable, less invasive, and simpler tooth replacement option than conventional dental implants. In fact, Dr. Fine can often extract a tooth and replace it with a mini implant in just one visit—something that is nearly impossible with traditional implants.

These narrow-diameter implants are particularly useful for securing dental prosthetics, including crowns and bridges, in areas with limited bone mass. And, because of their size, they don’t require extensive surgery like traditional implants.

Visit Fine Dental Care for Gentle Dental Extractions

Our practice approaches dental extractions with a focus on patient comfort and safety. If you are experiencing dental issues that might require an extraction, or if you have concerns about a specific tooth, contact Fine Dental Care in Wayne, NJ. Our experienced team is here to provide you with the best possible care and treatment options tailored to your needs. Contact us today to schedule your visit!