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3 Myths About Root Canals

June 30, 2023
3 Myths About Root Canals

Does the mere mention of a "root canal" send shivers down your spine? Are you haunted by thoughts of excruciating pain and torment?

Let us help ease your fears.

Root canals have developed an undeserved reputation, often surrounded by misconceptions and false information.

Keep reading because, in this article, we're exploring three key areas to separate fact from fiction regarding root canals. We aim to give you all the information you need to see root canals in a fresh, positive perspective.

Get ready to discover how root canals can actually work wonders in enhancing and preserving your oral health.

Myth #1: Root canals are painful

Many individuals' automatic reaction when hearing "root canal"  is shuddering; they interpret it as reflective of torturous agony and significant distress. Such perceptions have led many patients to avoid necessary dental visits due to unfounded fear. However, this shouldn't be the case, as such impressions are simply fictional beliefs. 

Agonizing symptoms associated with a dental fissure or infection prompt an urgent need for relief as discomforts are removed by removing impacted tissue. During each procedure, local anesthesia is administered concurrently, maintaining maximum comfort at all times during the procedure. Advancements in ultramodern dental technologies have optimized efficiency, reducing time frames and rendering speedy healing periods noticeably. 

It's crucial not only that we demystify rumors around ailments afflicting medical procedures but also to raise awareness towards common "misreadings," like misconceptions regarding "root canals." By busting fake news surrounding unacceptable treatment forms concerning painful procedures like this one, we enable access to confident, easy healthcare provisions for our patients.

Myth #2: Root canals cause illness

One frequently held myth about root canal therapy suggests that it adversely affects one's physical wellness by making them ill. This misconception can be traced back to Focal Infection Theory, which argues that oral infection could spread systemically, leading to various adversities. But countless pieces of scientific evidence refute this unfounded claim. 


On the contrary, root canals work remarkably well in removing infected pulp from inside teeth and thwarting any risk posed by such inflammations, further promoting an individual's overall state of being. 


The dire implications of untreated dental infections point towards multiple systemic problems concerning vital organs such as respiratory or cardiovascular systems. Therefore there is no reason whatsoever to allow mythical fallacies to cloud your vision when administering relevant dental treatment practices while preserving your physical wellness effortlessly!

Myth #3: Extraction is a better alternative to root canals

Misunderstandings about dental procedures may lead some people to believe that taking out their natural tooth is preferable over getting a root canal treatment. 

Nonetheless, such beliefs can potentially harm their oral health in the future. The extracted teeth create gaps in between their remaining ones causing displacement or difficulty when speaking and chewing since these movements rely on having all teeth in place. Over time, bone loss occurs around those gaps too, which will bring additional issues - hence more costs towards implants or bridges as substitutes 

Root canal therapy has numerous advantages when it comes to preserving the natural structure of the tooth. It allows for the removal of infected pulp while keeping the tooth intact, avoiding the need for painful extractions. This treatment is cost-effective and provides various options, such as crowns, which not only restore function but also blend in seamlessly with the rest of your teeth, ensuring both comfort and a natural appearance.

Saving your natural tooth via root canal is often recommended by expert dentists for one's optimal long-term dental well-being.

The process of a root canal procedure

In order to dispel any doubts you might have about undergoing a root canal treatment, it's worth understanding its process thoroughly. 

While there are variations in individual cases, most treatment journeys involve multiple phases that start with detecting abnormalities in your teeth, followed by X-rays if needed. 

To ensure pain-free procedures, local anesthesia is applied before accessing infected tissue via small entryways made in teeth. Skilled dentists use specialized tools to eliminate harmful pulp from roots carefully, after which special materials are used for sealing purposes, which prevents further damage from bacteria entering these spaces again and a laser to destroy bacteria both within the tooth and beyond. 

Finally, restoration is done by placing a post and core and a crown to protect the tooth from fracturing and being lost This restores their function alongside their visual aesthetics.  Root canals in most cases only take a single visit.

Aftercare and recovery tips for root canals

After undergoing a root canal, proper aftercare and recovery are vital to ensure the success of the treatment and promote healing. Here are some essential tips to follow:

  • Take 600 mg of Ibuprofen (3 Advil) and 650 mg of Acetaminophen (1 Tylenol) to prevent any post-treatment discomfort. 
  • Practice good oral hygiene: Brush your teeth gently twice daily with a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Floss at least once per day to remove plaque and debris from between your teeth.  The most important time to floss is before bedtime.
  • Avoid chewing with the treated tooth: While the tooth is healing, try to avoid putting excessive pressure on it. Opt for softer foods and avoid chewing on hard objects or sticky foods.
  • Attend follow-up appointments: Regular follow-up appointments with your dentist are crucial to monitor the progress of your healing and ensure the success of the root canal treatment.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle: A nutritious diet, regular exercise, and stress management can all contribute to better oral and overall health, supporting the healing process.

Root Canal Treatment in Wayne, NJ

Root canals have long been shrouded in myths and misconceptions that have caused unnecessary fear and anxiety. By debunking these common myths, we can shed light on the reality of root canals and help individuals make informed decisions about their dental health.

To learn more about root canals in Wayne, NJ, contact us at 973-633-5440.

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